2020 Inaugural PBA Weekend Hdcp Sweeper
Standings for Inaugural PBA Weekend Hdcp Sweeper

PBA50 Hdcp Sweeper sorted by total overall pins
PBA50 Hdcp Sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Greg Skinner 169 194 289 183 835 871
2 Quincy Hayman 230 204 204 210 848 848
3 Towanda Beasley 163 141 125 178 607 767
4 Tony Starks 162 192 183 139 676 740
5 John Smith 136 151 168 203 658 738
6 Cheryl High 169 147 135 134 585 737
7 Herbert High 176 188 223 149 736 736
8 Sam Smith 136 197 181 144 658 722
9 Bret Parks 136 190 192 187 705 721

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